Sadness color is black...

Sadness color is black

Sadness color is black...

The taste of it is bitter...
Sadness is when I spend my holidays by myself...

Sadness is when the spring knocks on my door when I'm alone...

Sadness is when it rains on me when I'm alone...

And when I spend the most beautiful days in ma like all by myself...

Sadness is when I write to you knowing  you wont be receiving it...

Sadness is when I scream and u dun hear me, surviving widout seeing yew and when i die u recieve a new as a stranger ....

Sadness is accomplished after I dream, when I meet you after hope, when you come to me after waiting...

When I find you after searching for you then I wake up, I see you leaving...

Sadness is when I hide my life in your heart...

I put my days in your bags...

And put my happiness in your eyes...

Then I say good bye,  leaving it all...

Sadness is when I get Addicted with your love,

Your voice,

Your perfume,

Your time with me,

Then open my eyes without seeing you,

To find out that you left me alone...


یک صدا، سکوت را می شکند
یک شعله، تاریکی را انکار می کند
یک قدم به جلو، حرکتی به راه می اندازد
همه ما می توانیم تغییر ایجاد کنیم.

One voice breaks the silence
One flame denies darkness
One stop forward propels motion
We all can make a diffrence

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